If a country’s, or the world’s, total ecological footprint
is larger than its biological capacity to replenish its
renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste
products and pollution, it is said to have an ecological
deficit. In 2006, theWorldWildlife Fund (WWF) and the
Global Footprint Network estimated that humanity’s
global ecological footprint exceeded the earth’s biological
capacity by about 25% (Figure 1-8, bottom). That figure
was about 88% in the world’s high-income countries,
with the United States having the world’s largest
total ecological footprint. If the current exponential
growth in the use of renewable resources continues,
the Global Footprint Network estimates that by 2050
humanity will be trying to use twice as many renewable
resources as the planet can supply.
See Figure 3 on pp. S16–S17 and Figure 5 on p. S19 in Supplement 4 for maps of human ecological
footprints for the world and the United States and
Figure 4 on p. S18 for a map of countries that are ecological
debtors and those that are ecological creditors.
在2006年,世界野生動物基金會和世界廢棄物網估計,人類的全部生態產物超出地面上生物容量的25%。那25%中接近88%都是世界上高收入國家,美利聯合眾國是世界製造最多生態垃圾的國家。如果數據應用在對更新资源的使用的成長繼續,全球性廢棄物網絡在2050年之前估計那人類设法兩次使用許多可更新资源作為行星可能供應的。見在圖3。 S16-S17和圖5在補充. S19人的生態學腳印地圖的世界和美國的和在p S18的圖4是生態學的國家的地圖是生態學債權人的債家和那些。